ADIYAMAN UNIVERSITYRise with Science, Shape the Future.

Support Services

Our university offers numerous services to its employees and students. Our university is protected by a private security unit and has a safe environment. Dormitories for our students are located within the campus. Our students can have lunch and dinner at the dining hall for a reasonable fee. There are shopping places, sports and social facilities in the campus. In addition, each student is provided with e-mail service. Our students keep in touch with the university, even after they graduate, and they are supported for their careers through Graduates Portal.


1. Accommodation



On the Adiyaman University Main Campus, there is a dormitory for our female students, which belongs to the Higher Education Credit and Hostels Institution. In addition, there are many state and private dormitories in Altınşehir District, where our university is located.


Lodging Buildings

There are lodging buildings for our employees on the Adiyaman University Main Campus.



A hotel is available for our guests on Adiyaman University Main Campus.


2. Nutrition

Dining Halls and Canteens

There is a canteen in each building and a dining hall in some buildings at our university. In addition, there is a Central Student Dining Hall on the Central Campus. In the dining hall 2 different meals are served for lunch and dinner.


Morning Soup

Soup is served every morning during the week at the entrance to Cendere Gate of our University's Central Campus so that our students would not attend classes with an empty stomach without having breakfast. The soup made by the experienced chefs in the Tourism Practice Hotel is served to the students in hot form.


Food Scholarships

Food scholarships are given to students whose financial situation is insufficient. The scholarship provides the student with the opportunity to have free meals in the student dining hall for one academic year. 


3. Health

Health Services

The Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports of our University offers services such as blood pressure, medical dressing, injection, glucose measurement, fever measurement, and bandage application. In addition, health counselling service is provided by listening to the complaints of patients. When necessary, they are referred to the appropriate health institution.


Psychological Counseling and Guidance Center

Guidance and Psychological Counseling services are provided at the Youth House, located in the Central Campus of our university, where students can make individual psychological counseling interviews. The center aims to support the individual, social and academic development of students and to provide students with skills that will facilitate their adaptation to university life, and to prepare our students for events that cause stress, guide them in dealing with the difficulties and problems of living, and help them with their personal development and changes. The Center provides services free of charge at the Youth House located in ADYÜ Central Campus. Our students can benefit by making an appointment in line with the principle of confidentiality and respect for private life.


Green Room

This service is provided to get rid of addictions through the Green Room at the Youth House, which works as the office of the Green Crescent at our university.


4. Transportation

Dormitory Service

Safvan Bin Muattal Girls' Dormitory has bus service starting from Monday, February 22, 2016 at evening times. With this service, it is possible for our female students studying in evening classes to safely reach their dormitories when they leave their classes late in the evening. The services offered four times are available at 21.30, 21.50, 22.10 and 22.35 hours.


Transportation Service for Campus

On rainy days, bus service is provided to our students at the Cendere Gate of the Central Campus of our University to the campus. Thus, our students reach their classes without getting caught in the rain.


 5. Communication

Postal and Cargo Services ADYÜ PTT Branch

"ADYÜ PTT Branch" opened on the ground floor of the A Block of the Faculty of Education as of 19/03/2018. The branch works between 08:30 and 12:30, 13:30 and 16:30 on weekdays and is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

The branch provides the following services.

  • Mail and Cargo Transactions
  • Western Union International money transactions
  • Money Transfer Transactions to All Banks
  • Paying water bill
  • Paying natural gas bill
  • All Mobile Phones Collection
  • Paying bills of all mobile phones
  • Paying bill for Traffic Penalty

Vehicle Stamps

  • paying all Taxes
  • HGS Operations
  • E-Government Password
  • TTNET Transactions
  • All Internet Transactions
  • Send Money Order
  • Remittance Transactions
  • BAĞ-KUR and SSK Transactions
  • Premium Payables
  • All Credit Card Transactions

In addition, there is a Cargo / APS Courier Transport and Delivery Agreement between our University and PTT. All academic and administrative staff of our university and our students benefit from discounted rates in shipping services.


6. Informatics

Internet Services

In our university, internet service is provided to all our employees, students and visitors both by wired connection in the units and by wireless connections placed throughout the campus. The internet can be used without any problems after filling out the digital form that appears when connecting for the first time. Our university also has eduroam service and our visitors coming from other eduroam member educational institutions can use the internet service with eduroam wireless connection with their own user information.




Corporate Email Service

Our university provides all its members with an e-mail address with the extension @ To get your corporate e-mail, apply to the Computer Centre.

  • Corporate Email Server (Employee, Student)


Corporate Identity Card

Our university issues an identity card with electronic features to all its members. Money can be loaded into this smart card and it can be used to pay for the dining hall, library and some paid services in the campus. In order to get your corporate identity card, employees have to apply to the Personnel Office and students have to apply to the Directorate of Students’ Affairs.


Student / Academic Information System

All things and transactions related to education are carried out through the Student / Academic Information System. The explanation regarding the login information is available on the login page of the system.

  • Student / Academic Information System


Academic Information Management System (ABYS)

Our university provides information about all its academic staff through ABYS. The data on ABYS are obtained from the information uploaded by our employees to YÖKSİS.


Electronic Document Management System (EBYS)

All correspondence at our university is done electronically. Thus, a great waste of paper and the consumption of natural resources are avoided, which makes a contribution to saving.


Electronic Document Management System (EBYS)


7. Culture and Art

Our university offers courses in various fields such as folk dance, baglama (a stringed instrument), theater, sports and painting in order to reveal the artistic talents of its students and to make them aware of their talents. Apart from these, courses such as Ebru and Ottoman Turkish courses are also offered.



While our university offers the opportunity to stage many plays prepared by its own students, it also opens the stages to Turkish State Theatres.  Many plays are performed by the State Theatres every year at our university.



While our university opens its stages to artists who are famous in their fields, it also hosts concerts organized by the students of the State Conservatory and local artists.


Cinema Days

Our university organizes open-air cinema days at the Rectorate Conference Hall and Youth Square at certain times every year in order to create a cinema culture among its students and to convey historical and cultural values ​​to its students through cinema.


The art gallery and the Adiyaman House located in the Mediko building of our university host many exhibitions every year. In these exhibitions, hundreds of paintings, calligraphy, marbling, illumination, naht, copper work, tombak, kaat, miniature, ceramic and tile works meet students.


Panel and Conference

Our university hosts dozens of panels and conferences every year. Our university, which hosts many guests from mathematicians to literature experts from economists to science, who have achieved academic success, offers every student the opportunity to listen to a few panels and conferences on the field they study.


Scientific Activities

Each year, our university hosts symposiums and scientific events on different subjects, both traditionally and the first in their field. Apart from these, the "Adiyaman University Science, Culture and Art Symposium" traditionally organized by our university offers our students the opportunity to display their scientific achievements. Thanks to this symposium, our students have the chance to take part in scientific activities and engage in scientific activities.



While our university takes care of providing education in spacious and relaxing environments, it allows its students to spend time on the campus during their extracurricular times. It contributes to the socialization of students with its wide lawn and wooded areas, sitting and resting areas, waterfall and fountain pools and areas integrated with natural life.


Student Communities

Our university supports student communities for the socialization of its students and for increasing their working culture. He can be a member of any of our student societies or lead the establishment of a new community. Each of our students can be a member of any of the student communities that have already been established or can lead the establishment of a new community.·         Student Communities System 

Student Boutique, which provides clothing aid to students in need within the scope of social responsibility work carried out by our university, is located in the MİNYAMAN Bazaar on the University campus. Apart from the contributions of the academic and administrative staff of our university, clothing stores and textile factories can also make contributions to Student Boutique.  It aims to collect all kinds of clean and usable clothes, shoes, bags and accessories, then give them to students in need after their maintenance and repair.


Part-Time Work Opportunity

Part-time student scholarships are awarded to eligible students upon application. After signing a non-disclosure agreement, students who are entitled to receive this scholarship work for 40 hours a week in any unit of our university without missing their classes. The scholarship, which is given to nearly 200 students every year, is arranged according to the students' course schedule. Students do not work during exam weeks.


9. Sports

Our university sends teams to inter universities sports competitions organized by Turkey University Sports Federation in the branches of football, handball, volleyball, cycling, wrestling, kick boxing, muay thai, taekwondo, table tennis; thus, students have the opportunity to display their talents in line with their interests.



The stadium of our university, which has been given a Certificate of International Use Compliance by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), is built within a 900 m2 field area and covered with natural grass. It serves at sports branches such as pole vault, hammer throw, shot put, triple jump, disc throw, as well as athletics and six-lane tartan ground running track.


Semi-Olympic Indoor Swimming Pool

Our University's Semi-Olympic Swimming Pool, which is also open to the public, is used by the academic and administrative staff of our university and in the lessons of the School of Physical Education and Sports (BESYO). The Semi-Olympic Swimming Pool, which has the capacity to host national and international organizations, is also included in the sports complex with the Indoor Sports Hall, Indoor Football Fields and multi-purpose sports fields.


Indoor Sports Hall and Astro Pitches

The indoor sports hall is a sports complex designed  for serving hall sports. It includes a basketball, volleyball court, a fitness, and a section for using sports tools. Two new indoor astro pitches, 25x45 m in size and made of steel construction, are also included in the sports complex. Our university, which determines the materials used according to FIFA standards, keeps the indoor sports hall and astroturf fields open to the public as well as the employees and students.


Multipurpose Sports Fields

There are 4 multi-purpose sports fields in the Central Campus of our university in order to help the physical and mental development of students by using their free time. Sports fields, which are built for students at our university to participate in sports activities such as basketball, volleyball and tennis, are open to students seven days a week.


Fitness Centre

There is a Fitness Centre in the Indoor Sports Hall, which is located on the ADYÜ Main Campus. The study program and conditions for benefiting from the hall and other details are available on the Health, Culture and Sports Department web page.