ADIYAMAN UNIVERSITYRise with Science, Shape the Future.


Prof. Dr. Mehmet KELEŞ Rector

Prof. Dr. Murat AYDIN

Vice Rector
Prof. Dr. Yasin ÇİÇEK Dean of Faculty of Dentistry (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Ömer KILIÇ  Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Murat AYDIN Dean of Faculty of Education (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Selcen YÜKSEL PERKTAŞ Dean of Faculty of Arts and Science
Prof. Muhammet ALAGÖZ Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Fatih DOĞANOĞLU Dean of Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ÇELİK Dean of Faculty of Islamic Sciences
Prof. Dr. Manaf MANAFLI Dean of Faculty of Architecture (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Murat PALA Dean of Faculty of Engineering (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Fatih Rüştü YALÇINKAYA Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Zeynal TÜMSAVAŞ Dean of Faculty of Agriculture (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Ali AYDIN Dean of Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Haydar BAĞIŞ Dean of Faculty of Tourism (per pro.)
Doç. Dr. Üyesi Ayça AVCI Director of the State Conservatory (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Tayfun SERVİ Director of Graduate School(per pro.)
Doç. Dr. Ümit YETİŞ Director of School of Physical Education and Sports (per pro.)
Doç. Dr. Ali ÜNİŞEN Director of School of Foreign Languages (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Hakan EVİN Director of Besni Ali Erdemoglu Vocational School (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Abuzer AKGÜN Director of Gölbaşı Vocational School (per pro.)
Doç. Dr. Mehmet İNAN Director of Kahta Vocational School (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Sayad KOCAHAN Director of Vocational School of Health Services (per pro.)
Prof. Dr. Ünal TAŞKIN Director of Vocational School of Social Sciences (per pro.)
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Yusuf TOPAK Director of Vocational School of Technical Sciences
Doç. Dr. Mahmut KOPARAL Representative of the Faculty of Dentistry
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Görkem Deniz SÖNMEZ Representative of the Faculty of Pharmacy
Prof. Dr. İbrahim YERLİKAYA Representative of the Faculty of Education
Prof. Dr. Beyhan YİĞİT Representative of the Faculty of Arts and Science
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Nurullah ATALAY Representative of the Faculty of Fine Arts
Doç. Dr. Yusuf Ekrem AKBAŞ Representative of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences
Doç. Dr. Üyesi Recep ÖZDEMİR Representative of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences
Doç. Dr. Zuhal KARAGÖZ GENÇ Representative of the Faculty of Engineering
Prof. Dr. Haydar BAĞIŞ Representative of the Faculty of Medicine
Doç. Dr. Çiğdem SABBAĞ Representative of the Faculty of Tourism
Doç. Dr. Ebubekir İNAN Secretary General (Deputy) (per pro.)