ADIYAMAN UNIVERSITYRise with Science, Shape the Future.

History of Adiyaman University

Adiyaman University was founded on March 17, 2006 by gathering the vocational schools and faculties of İnönü University, Gaziantep University and Harran University that were in the provincial borders of Adiyaman, under one roof.

  • Adiyaman University continues its educational services on 4 campuses of 2 million 287 thousand square meters; namely Central Campus, Kahta Campus, Besni Campus and Gölbaşı Campus
  • Adiyaman University incorporates 13 Faculties, 1 State Conservatory, 1 Institute, 3 Schools, 6 Vocational Schools and 18 Research and Practice Centers. It hosts more than 17 thousand students, including a large number of foreign students. 

Dates of Establishment of Faculties and Vocational Schools

Faculty of Medicine 2009

Faculty of Dentistry 2011

Faculty of Pharmacy 2015

Faculty of Education 1997

Faculty of Arts and Sciences 1998

Faculty of Engineering 2011

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 2008

Faculty of Islamic Studies 2015

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences 2017

Faculty of Tourism 2014

State Conservatory 2013

Faculty of Fine Arts 2009

Faculty of Health Sciences 2006

Vocational School of Social Sciences 2014

Vocational School of Technical Sciences 2006

Besni Vocational School 1997

Kahta Vocational School 1997

School of Physical Education and Sports 2015

Gölbaşı Vocational School 1997