ADIYAMAN UNIVERSITYRise with Science, Shape the Future.


Educational Facilities

Adiyaman University has fulfilled all the necessary infrastructure required for education. Our students have the opportunity to attend their courses in modern classes equipped with projectors and smart boards. Any kind of facilities including classes, laboratories and equipment needed for education are supplied by our university. 

Research and Development Facilities

The academic personnel within Adiyaman University carry out research and development activities through their scientific studies and projects. The equipment and materials they need during their projects or researches are supplied from the budget of the project; and demands other than those are met as much as the financial means of the University allow.

Industrial Service Facilities

The academic personnel within Adiyaman University provide services of measurement, analysis and counselling as needed by the industry and the necessary infrastructure for those services is in use.

 Other Opportunities of Support

Our university provides a wide range of services for both its lecturers and students. It is guarded by the private security unit and has a fully safe environment. Students’ dormitories are inside the campus. The students can have lunch and dinner at the dining hall for 2 Turkish liras. There are also some shops and sports and social facilities in the campus. Also, every student is provided with an e-mail address. There are also the students’ clubs, where they can make use of their spare time and perform social or spots activities. Our graduates do not lose contact with the University and are given support for their career by means of the Graduates Portal.